ignore the crooked stitches. which is exactly what you're going to look at now. |
Here is my first go at quilting and free motion quilting. It took me a long time to decide what type of piecing I wanted to do for these guys. I even created a piece and then ended up scrapping it and starting over. I'm still not thrilled with them, but they're practice. I don't understand how others get such straight lines and even seams. It might be a patience thing. My binding looks a little bit better, but it still needs some work. Those corners are hard. I'm going to look into the curved corners and bias binding. The free motion quilting was fun. I still need to pick up a free motion/walking foot. Some of my stitches were long from moving to fast. Oops! When I get to work on my first quilt I'm definitely going to be taking my time.
These were fun and pretty easy to make. I used this
pot holder tutorial from over at Oh, Fransson! It's a great and easy to follow tutorial. The only thing I changed was the line for the pocket piece, her line is curved and I went with straight. I'm not ready to tackle curves just yet. I'm not sure where the fabric is from, it was given to me by my friend Gale from over at
Stamps and Stitches. It's been good practice fabric.
These look great and they're perfect for practicing. I'm not brave enough to try free motion quilting-I've tried it a little on a placemat but didn't really like doing it well enough to do it on a whole quilt. Maybe some day.
Thanks! I think free motion quilting definitely takes some practice. I might take some scrap fabric and practice some more to get a feel for it.
These look great! Keep working at it - it certainly gets easier! :) Also - I used that same bundle of fabric about three years ago when I was starting out in quilting... I'm not sure if I kept any of those projects around, but I sure remember it!
Thanks. I suspect I may end up with a bunch of pot holders laying around my house. lol
I like those!!! Very neat!
Thanks! And thanks for stopping by and commenting. :)
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