Sunday, November 7, 2010

{to do} - Chicago

I'm getting better at tackling tasks on my to do lists. Last week I accomplished 7 items, probably more though because I did a few things that weren't on the list. I might need to make my lists shorter that way they're easier to finish. Or break down the larger tasks like purging my stash into smaller tasks. It sounds like a good idea. Yes, I think I will try that this week.
  • complete MISA cowl (new item)
  • new product photos 
  • crochet texting gloves (black, grey, ivory) - inventory
  • crochet blanket - gift
  • list new product
  • purge crafting supplies - book shelf one (cardstock)
  • purge crafting supplies - book shelf two (magazines/books)
  • holiday card sets - inventory
There are probably a few more items I could add to the list that I'd like to get done, but I'll be headed to Chicago on Tuesday. Losing a day shouldn't be that big a deal from getting things done. I could take some crocheting with me. Maybe. I haven't left this city since the last time I went to Chicago which was last summer. I need a break. A new perspective so I can come back refreshed. Thankfully it'll be warm while I'm there as I know most people I know won't go anywhere near Chicago after the beginning on November because of the colder weather.

So what's on your to do list this week? And when was the last time you took a little road trip just to get away?

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