Monday, April 30, 2012

{to do} - time off and mother's day

I like  having a public to do list. I think it helps keep me be accountable to myself and all three of my readers. ;) This feature is definitely gets to stay. I'm still trying to figure things out with the blog. What I'll blog about and how often. It's a work in progress for sure. I just don't want to bore you guys.

I have a lot of time off from work this week. I'm scheduled two our of the seven days. It kinda sucks, but not really. A few days ago I said that I wanted to blog and craft full time and it appears that I'm getting that opportunity. It's kinda scary though because I have to make up for the income that comes from my other job in order to make sure all my bills are paid. I have a lot of work to do.
  • create new warm fuzzy (by the end of today)
  • approach homespun about new fuzzy
  • work on newborn minnie mouse outfit for aunt
  • make 30+ mother's day cards
  • photograph and edit cards
  • list mother's day cards on etsy/storenvy/tophatter
  • edit blog layout
I think I wanna keep the list short this week. I'm not working on any personal projects at the moment. Maybe not until after Mother's Day. I have the goal of selling 50+ cards this spring. I think that's totally doable, especially with Mother's Day two weeks away. I've sold 16 so far and have orders for at least 20 more. This will definitely help put money towards my bills.

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