Wednesday, August 22, 2012

WIP it - keeping busy


I've had a lot of time off from work the last two weeks and have been doing my best to make the most of it. I've got quite a bit of sewing done for myself and other projects. I like being able to mark stuff off my to do list.

A friend and fellow crafter asked via a group we're part of if any of us had thought about getting our shops ready for the holidays. I hadn't really thought about it, but know I need to. I also need to obtain some much needed supplies. So sewing may start taking a back seat to crocheting. I'm also doing 30 Days of Lists again which means I'll be doing more paper crafting as well.

Anywho, let's get to what we've got done this week.


Another zipper pouch. I forgot that I wanted to do some quilting on it and didn't cut it large enough to trim down to size after quilting, so I just did some light stitching in aqua on it. I planned to keep this, but then I changed my mind and decided to give it to my polish swap partner. The polishes fit perfectly in it. I hope she likes it.

Ignore my crazy hair. I remade this hair bow that was originally a bow tie that was too short, so I rigged it to wear as a hair bow for Sew Loco. I wanted to rework it and take of the bow tie slides. I like it much better this way. I'm tempted to wear it to work and see if my boss says anything. Our dress code is pretty strict.

I totally procrastinated and forgot when I needed to submit my contributions to Indie Gift Box. Thankfully I had some extras left from Sew Loco and was able and had enough supplies to put together 17 more of these and have them in the mail by this past Saturday. At one point though Betsy (my sewing machine) was being a jerk and I punched her. Violence is not the answer. It was then I decided to start looking into a new machine and added a sewing machine fund meter to my side bar. I hope I'm able to save up quickly.

in progress:

All caught up with Beginner's Quilt Along blocks. I'm tired of the HST. And triangles in general. The QST weren't too bad. I pretty much did them the same way I did my HST, which is not the way all the tutorials showed (draw a line down the middle, sew on both sides and then cut). Two more blocks to go. I really love that green fabric. I'm gonna have to buy more. It goes well with a lot of other fabrics.

I didn't know what to do with the extra fabric from Lucy, then I got the bright idea to make a pillow to go with it. I don't think I have enough of the multi dots though. Not sure how I'm going to deal with that though. I do have some extra orange flower fabric though. I think this will be fun on it's own as well

I FINALLY started cutting squares for the Scrap Vomit Appreciation swap. I think my partners will be happy to know that seeing as they sent me mine about a month ago. I still have a whole week to get the rest of them done. It's hard to cut scraps when you don't have a lot of fabric. I probably should've waited a few more months to join a swap like this. Oh well

[insert picture of Lucy here]

I got Lucy basted, but I'm kinda scared to start quilting her. The issues with my machine make me a little nervous, but I plan to just jump in and do it. I'll rip out the stitches if I have to. I'm ready to get her done.

no progress:

  • sewing machine cover
  • Q4K aka Sharky
  • granny square quilt
  • bow ties
Why do I have to go to work? Why can't this be my work? One day soon.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


a maidenhair fern said...

Look at all your fun projects! you've been busy this week. I love your color combinations.

Marit said...

Love the stuff you're working on:) Feeling a need to try out that pouch tutorial from Noodlehead soon...

Rebecca said...

Love that pouch, super cute! Thanks for linking up with WIP Wednesday.

Alison V. said...

Make me a headband, please? Everything you've been working on is too adorable for words!